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질의 집중 의미 그래프를 활용한 질의 기반 문서 요약 Title: Text Summarization with the Query Attentive Graph-Attention Network System Overview Image: TBD Summary: TBD Github Link: TBD Paper Link: TBD Demo Video Your browser does not support the video tag. SPACE: 감정 분석용 임베딩 분류 프롬프트 모델 Title: SPACE: Senti-Prompt As Classifying Embedding for sentiment analysis System Overview Image: TBD Summary: TBD Github Link: TBD Paper Link: Publisher Link Demo Video Your browser does not support the video tag. 주제 분포를 반영한 교차 주의 기반 대화 요약 시스템 Title: Dialogue Summarization using Topic distribution-Aware Cross-Attention System Overview Image: TBD Summary: TBD Github Link: TBD Paper Link: Publisher Link Demo Video Your browser does not support the video tag. 트랜스포머 인코더를 활용한 음절 단위 경량화 형태소 분석기 Title: Syllable-Level Lightweight Korean POS Tagger using Transformer Encoder System Overview Image: TBD Summary: TBD Github Link: TBD Paper Link: Publisher Link Demo Video Your browser does not support the video tag. Back to Top
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